Disabilities Services:
Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) offers a number of services to help students challenged by disabilities find success in the academic and technical components of their program of study. A disability is described as a condition that impairs or restricts one or more major life activities. Disabilities may be deemed temporary or permanent impairments. Special services are extended to students who have:
- Impaired vision or hearing
- Learning disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Medical disabilities
- Psychological impairments
Request Initiation of Services:
To request and make arrangements for services, the student must meet with the Director of Admissions or Student Success Coach to create a plan for classroom adjustments or accommodations.
Student Responsibilities for disability services:
- Provide appropriate documentation
- Request classroom adjustments or accommodations every term
- Return classroom accommodation forms after they are signed and reviewed by the instructor(s) to the Director of Admissions or Student Success Coach
- Understand that other student services (Financial Aid, Admissions, Career, etc.) are the responsibility of the student.
- Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
What is an Accommodation?
An accommodation is any change to a classroom environment or task that permits a qualified student with a disability to participate in the classroom process, to perform the essential tasks of the class, or to enjoy benefits and privileges of classroom participation equal to those enjoyed by students without disabilities. An accommodation is a legally mandated change that creates an equitable opportunity for task completion or environmental access. There are many types of accommodations that a student may qualify to receive.
Examples of accommodations that a student may qualify to receive:
- Testing accommodations: Providing a quiet room for test taking; extended time for test-taking; alternative formats for exams
- Alternative textbook formats: Providing written materials in alternative formats such as large print, Braille, computer disk, or audiotape
- Assistive technology in accordance with special needs
- Special classroom seating
Services that will not be provided:
- Personal devices such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, or glasses
- Personal services such as assistance with eating, toileting, or dressing
- Accommodations that lower or change classroom standards or program standards. For example, although instructors may allow alternative assignments or tests, these alternatives will not be easier or harder than the ones they are replacing.
- Accommodations that would change the essence of a program. For example, a person taking a class in air conditioning repair who has limited use of the hands could not ask to take a written test instead of actually repairing an air conditioning unit. The essence of the course is to actually repair the unit, not to talk or write about it.
Requests for accommodations and surveys regarding accommodations are always initiated at the discretion of those seeking the accommodations. Accommodation surveys are optional. Program admission is not considered or based on the completion of surveys or accommodation requests.
Student Veterans and Disabilities:
Other problems that some student Veterans face are physical and emotional disabilities. Physical problems may mean that it takes a student Veteran longer to get to class. Other physical problems may interfere with note-taking or classroom participation. The two most common physical disabilities are listed below. Take a moment to consider how these may impact school performance:
- Musculoskeletal problems (e.g., amputations, joint pain, back pain). Possible impact: Difficulty sitting for long periods of time, uncomfortable in standard desk, unable to hold pen/pencil or use a keyboard, frequent medical appointments, medication side-effects, mobility.
- Hearing problems (e.g., hearing loss, tinnitus ("ringing" in-ear)). Possible impact: Need for special seating or equipment, annoyance, missed conversations, difficulty "jumping in".
Up to one-third of Student Veterans may be struggling with "invisible wounds" of war: traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, or major depression. These conditions can also impact school performance. For example, all three "invisible wounds" can impact the ability to concentrate and complete assignments.
- Invisible Wounds (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, depression, and anxiety). Research from the National Center for Veteran Studies suggests that symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression are significant in student Veterans. Thoughts about suicide are also a serious concern.
Student Veteran’s Resources:
- Department of Veteran Affairs | www.benefits.va.gov/benefits
- Monthly Enrollment Verification of Attendance (WAVE) | 877.823.2378 or visit www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do
- Veteran's Crisis Line | 800.273.8255 (ext 1) or text 838255 or visit http://veteranscrisisline.net
- National Call Center for Homeless Veterans | 877.4AID.VET
- VA College Toolkit | https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/student-veteran/vital-program.asp
- Registrar’s Office | 912.287.4837
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) | https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa (school code: 005511).
To schedule an appointment contact:
Macy Evans | https://calendly.com/mdevans-coastalpines